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Orhan Kemal Books and Novels

If you are searching for the Orhan Kemal books list, then you are at right page because here below you will find all the books and Novels of Orhan Kemal.

 Name: Barrack 72 Ke Qaidi Novel
 Writer: Orhan Kemal
Translator: Khalid Fateh Muhammad
 Cover: Barrack 72 Ke Qaidi Novel Orhan Kemal Translator: Khalid Fateh Muhammad
 Description: Here is the amazing novel book by "" named "Barrack 72 Ke Qaidi Novel". The Novel book is in urdu language. This is one of the best work by this author. You can download pdf of Barrack 72 Ke Qaidi Novel Orhan Kemal Translator: Khalid Fateh Muhammad or read online .
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