
The Souls Journey after Death By Ibn Al-Qayyim

Description: The Souls Journey After Death An abridgement of Ibn Al-Qayyim's Kitabar-Ruh. Commentary by Layla Mabrouk. When somebody dies, our sorrow and tears, our weeping and mourning soon cease. The funeral rites, the Thursday ceremony and finally the forty-day ceremony are held and then all is forgotten. We say to ourselves, the living go no and the dead do not ,' and put the dead person out of mind on the premise that he is dead and at rest. We forget or pretend to forget that he is in fact in even greater need of us than the living. He faces the future all alone, hidden away in the domain of the earthworms, buried under the earth in a desolate grave. He was in the light and now he is in darkness. He was surrounded by beauty and spaciousness and now he is enclosed in narrowness and gloom. He was in bliss and he now is in torment. If you are in search of the The Souls Journey after Death By Ibn Al-Qayyim to download then you are at right page because here we have published the book. You can download pdf here:http://www.mediafire.com/file/y111topcqqw9ecl/The_soul_journey_Pdfbooksfree.pk.pdf

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